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Create Application: SCELC Research Incentive Award

Have you applied for and/or received funding for this or a closely related project?
Are you applying for funding to present your research at a conference?
Conference Information
Was your research peer-reviewed?
If you are presenting a conference paper or poster session, please attach documentation of acceptance.
Files must be less than 32 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
For projects that have been completed for which you are requesting travel funds to present, please provide an abstract of the paper or poster to be presented.
If you are requesting funding to present, please provide a budget or estimated travel expenses.
Is your project in the proposal stage or only partially completed?
Research Information
Please describe the methodology of your plan of work.
Please describe the expected contribution to knowledge or to your library’s operations.
Please lay out the timeline for the entire project and identify the anticipated completion date.
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